Student life

Are you interested in studying an exchange programme at Viaa? On this page you will find all relevant information about studying at Viaa and living in Zwolle and the Netherlands. Welcome to get inspired here by reading stories of what students and partners say about Viaa. 

You’re invited to connect with the International Office to explore the possibilities for you. 

Student Life

At Viaa, students and academic lecturers and staff connect and work together in the newly renovated building. In addition to classrooms and workplaces, Viaa features an extensive multimedia library, classrooms equipped with computers for students, a restaurant and a spacious assembly hall where students meet for lunch or study. During the study period, Dutch Viaa students remain living with their parents or find housing in or nearby Zwolle. 

Viaa university of applied sciences netherlands

Campus Facilities

Viaa is offering several on-campus facilities:

  • Student pastor 
  • Confidential counselors 
  • Student study and career counselor 
  • Multimedia Library 
  • ICT facilities 
  • Workplaces 
  • Restaurant 

Christian Student Associations

Zwolle is one of the student cities in the east of the Netherlands and attracting many higher education students to the city. There are four Christian student associations present in Zwolle. Please connect with the International Office about the activities which are specially organised to welcome international Christian students.   

(English) Church Services

Students who are here for an exchange period and would like to go to church services on Sunday can do so with their host family to their congregation. Most of the services are, of course, in Dutch. But there are a few options if you prefer an English service. 

There is an Anglican Church in Zwolle, services are held every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.

The Christian Reformed Church in Zwolle translates their 11:30 service in the Verrijzenis church in Holtenbroek.

little farther awayinternational church ‘De Zaaier’ (The Planter) holds Sunday services in Kampen (20 km/12 miles from Zwolle). 

Student Chaplaincy

The Viaa Student Chaplaincy believes that studying is more than obtaining a diploma. Especially when you are planning to go on an exchange. You are developing, becoming who you are, growing. You will encounter all kinds of challenges along the way, during your time in the Netherlands or while travelling. Sometimes you want to talk to someone about it, just confidential, someone who understands and accepts you as you are. Our student pastors are available if you need it. 

Social Safety

At Viaa, social safety is an essential precondition for good study and collaboration. You create social safety together (with fellow students, employees, teachers), but you can expect from Viaa that this safety is monitored. Confidential counsellors are available at Viaa to connect within situations when you do not experience this safety. 

Code of Conduct

To protect your interests as a foreign student in the Netherlands, the Dutch universities and other higher education institutes have drawn up a Code of Conduct International Student Higher Education regulating various aspects of their work with international students. For more information, you can download the Code of Conduct here.